
Our Business Directory

Our Business Directory is a compilation of services, trades, and businesses that are owned and/or operated by our own Stoney attenders. The goal is to create a directory of trusted business people the church community and friends can reach out to and trust. Please understand though that these have been individually submitted by church goers and are not affiliated with Stoney Church.


If you would like to receive access to the business directory, you can reach out to

Discipline of the Wesleyan Faith

The Discipline of The Wesleyan Church is an essential handbook for pastors, church leaders and members addressing the organization, positions and doctrine of The Wesleyan Church.

Connection Forms

Are you new to Stoney and want to get connected?
Click Here

Do you need prayer?
Click Here

Want to volunteer?
Click Here

Do you need care in some way?
Click Here

Are you interested in starting a group?
Click Here

Do you have a business, trade, or service you want published?
Click Here

Would you like to host a MINISTRY event at Stoney or have an announcement you’d like from the stage?
Click Here

Would you like to use the Stoney Church facilities for a non-ministry event?
Click Here

Would you like to use Stoney Church for a funeral service?
Email joinus@stoney.chuch or call 586-781-2266

Would you like to use Stoney Church for a wedding ceremony?
Email joinus@stoney.chuch or call 586-781-2266

Connection Forms

Love People

Part of our mission here at Stoney Church is to LOVE PEOPLE, we can do this best when we know what your needs are.

Are you new to Stoney and want to get connected?

Click Here

Do you need prayer?

Click Here

Do you need care in some way?

Click Here

Make Disciples

Part of our mission at Stoney Church is to MAKE DISCIPLES, we would love your help in reaching that mission! Are you interested in getting more involved?

Want to volunteer?

 Click Here

Are you interested in starting a group? 

Click Here

Would you like to host a MINISTRY event at Stoney or have an announcement you’d like from the stage?

 Click Here

Gather At Stoney

Would you like to use our building for a different type of event? There are days and times that might be available for your use.

Would you like to use the Stoney Church facilities for a non-ministry event?

Click Here


Would you like to use Stoney Church for a funeral service?

Email joinus@stoney.chuch or call 586-781-2266


Would you like to use Stoney Church for a wedding ceremony?

Email joinus@stoney.chuch or call 586-781-2266